Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 23
Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 1 Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 2 Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 3

Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 5
Ordering a car in just
a few clicks
Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 6
The ability
to pay by bonuses
Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 7
The tariff is 20% lower, than
when a taxi ordered by phone
Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 9
Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 10
Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 11
Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 12
Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 13
Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 14
Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 15
Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 16
Cargo taxi
Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 17
Order through the application
Step 1: launch the application
Step 2: choosing a route
Step 3: Choose a tariff
Step 4: Payment method
Step 5: Order
Step 1: launch the application
“It's faster than calling an operator“
Step 2: choosing a route
“You can quickly specify the point "home", "work" or choose a different address“
Step 3: Choose a tariff
“The choice of a suitable class of car or other services“
Step 4: Payment method
“ Cash or bonuses (if you have saved up)“
Step 5: Order
“You can see the whole process of finding a car and how it is coming to you“
Dear passengers!
We ask you to wear masks when boarding and traveling in buses, trams, taxis.

Pursuant to paragraph 6.2 of Protocol No. 2 dated March 21, 2020, the meeting of the operational headquarters on the prevention of the spread of a new coronavirus infection in the Republic of Crimea must wear masks for both passengers and drivers.

Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 18

Transportation of passengers without masks is prohibited!

  • Drivers can refuse to sell a ticket to a passenger without a mask.
  • Do not start driving until the passenger without a mask has exited.
  • Summon law enforcement if the passenger disobeys the driver's orders.
Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 19

Employees of the authorities have the right to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense and this will entail a fine of up to 30,000 rubles.

Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 20 Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 21

In the near future, special raids are expected on all public transport routes by employees of the Police, the National Guard and Rospotrebnadzor. Not only passengers without a mask will be fined, but also drivers who allow it.

Dear passengers!

Mask mode is not a whim! This is the current reality in which we all need to live somehow. Please do not break the rules and do not make worse for yourself or others. Hope for understanding. Bon Voyage. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Book a Crimea taxi online, call a taxi to the airport, round-the-clock taxi in Crimea - Image 22
Roman Sukhanov
Roman Sukhanov
Sudak, 19.05.2022

Late, as usual. I decided to call a taxi, and remembered that my friends advised СОЛНЫШКО. Didn't guess! They delivered quickly, the prices are adequate, there are a lot of tariffs! I recommend!

Olga Eliseeva
Simferopol, 15.04.2022

Taxi СОЛНЫШКО never fails! I order not the first time and always arrive on time. Special respect for low prices!


We were pleasantly surprised. The car arrived within 10 minutes, the driver was polite, competent, neat. I'm afraid to jinx it, as usual, but for now let's take this taxi.

Alesya Prokofieva
Simferopol, 13.02.2022

I really like that the taxi service is as fast as possible, I always arrive on time, no matter where I go.

Evgeniya Baranovskaya
Evgeniya Baranovskaya
Yalta, 29.05.2021

I am a regular customer! I am delighted with everything - the convenience of ordering, the speed of delivery, the most comfortable travel conditions.


It so happened that the intercity bus, on which we were traveling with my wife and children, broke down. Unable to wait for the transport to be repaired, we began to dial all the taxi...


A friend recommended this taxi about six months ago and I liked it. Now on weekends, when we get together with my friends, after parties I call only СОЛНЫШКО. Safely!

Alexandra Zolotova
Alexandra Zolotova
Yalta, 03.11.2021

I liked the attentive attitude of the driver to me and my child. СОЛНЫШКО has everything you need to travel safely with children.


In a taxi, СОЛНЫШКО pleases a lot. The cars I ordered are always clean. The drivers are polite and do not turn on the music at full volume, which is deafening and sometimes very annoying....

Dmitry Voronoi
Dmitry Voronoi
Yalta, 14.06.2022

We were looking for transport for a country trip with a company, we found a minivan in the СОЛНЫШКО at a bargain price. Delivery is fast, conditions are top. I advise!

Order a taxi in Crimea

Despite the widely developed network of public transport and the fact that the residents of Crimea have a large number of their own vehicles, the taxi service operating around the clock has not lost its relevance. There is a special service, contacting the operator of which you can call a car at the specified address. Such a procedure:

  • takes a lot of time;
  • it cannot be said that it is inexpensive;
  • does not always succeed.

After all, there may not be a free car. The human factor also plays a role: either the potential taxi passenger did not explain exactly where and when the car is needed, or the operator misunderstood something. The result is that the client is late, for example, for a scheduled meeting or at the airport.

Besides - wasted nerves. It's a completely different matter if you install the free online СОЛНЫШКО application on your smartphone.

How it works

After downloading our mobile application, you do not have to communicate with the operator, wait for some free taxi driver to accept the application, explain to him where you are at the moment. You only need to take two steps:

  • send an application online indicating the address of your location (dozens of drivers will immediately accept it, but the one who is closest to you will come to you);
  • follow the movement of the ordered car using the map in your tablet or smartphone using GPS (its number will already be known to you).

To order a taxi through the free СОЛНЫШКО application in Crimea, you will need much less time than ordering a vehicle through an operator or the Internet. In case of changes in plans, you can cancel the order by clicking "Cancel the order". We work around the clock, so you can order a taxi without any problems at any time. The time of day does not affect the cost of the trip.

The application makes it possible, if necessary, to order a taxi to several specific addresses. When placing an order, you will receive information about the cost of a trip to any point in Crimea, travel time, and mileage.

Additional options

The primary task of our service is to provide clients with maximum comfort at the lowest price. Therefore, we have a number of additional services that are relatively cheap. They may not be available if you order a car, for example, via the Internet:

  • You can call a vehicle, the equipment and dimensions of which allow you to carry luggage on the roof or in the car.
  • If you are traveling with a child, it is possible to choose a car with a seat for the safe transportation of children.
  • If you need to travel by a company (to the airport or from the airport, for example), you can order a car with five passenger seats.
  • There are cars equipped with devices for issuing checks (this is especially true for those who came to Crimea on a business trip).

The price of an order for such taxi differs from the cost of a trip by a regular car only slightly. Out-of-line service may affect the price.

It also has the "Give Feedback" feature installed. It is advisable that you rate the work of the car driver. This will help to take into account possible shortcomings, improve the quality of services, and create maximum comfort for the client during the trip.

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